It's Thursday, I planned on working outside in my garden all day but my plans have changed. I have my grandson all day.(I will probley have him until Sunday) and I have gram ma Rose to take care of tonight.
I received an E-mail a few days ago, It was a good one. It said to write IN GOD WE TRUST on all of our outgoing mail. It said that only 14% of the population don't believe in God and they are ruining it for all of us normal people. Anyway I went to put it on Across the Fence and very nice topic place on the Mary Jane farm girl site and it was not allowed. So for the first time I've have been deleted. I wasn't when I asked how people felt about Tarrot cards, but God got deleted. It just doesn't seem right.
Go and enjoy the day that God has made for us, say a prayer of thanks, and write IN GOD WE TRUST on all your out going mail. Have a great day.
Visit me next Thursday, I write a new note every Thursday...