It's still not the best picture I guess if anyone really wanted to see it I would have to say come on over. My grandson is sleeping finally. we went to the park then to Jacob's house then to McDonalds he finally fell a sleep about 3 miles from home. Now I just need my nephew to leave so I can clean the house before the baby gets up. Busy seems to be my middlle name. But I love it. (most of the time)
Hey Diane....thanks for checking my blog and I will check yours too! Nice T.V.! I have one in my family room but it is too small to see across the room but I mostly "listen" to it anyway. I can't just sit and watch t.v....I have to multi-task but still don't get that much done! Ha! Ha! I know what you mean about having dreams for your home. It is our sanctuary and I too love a cozy clean home but so many projects and so little time! Keep blogging!