Look what I brought for myself. We got back a little money from the tax man, every year we don't have to pay in we spend the money we get back on the house. This year I got this it plays all records, C.D.'s, tapes, A.M.&F.M. and it even records on to a blank C.D. your records. I haven't figured out how yet but I just love having music in the background instead of a T.V. and if that wasn't enough I cleaned the area under and around it and put all the stuff I had laying around I didn't want to throw out but needed to get rid of (25 pens, googly eyes) stuff like that, put it all in a bag and gave it to Jaimie and told her she had to take it as her punishment for saying she would only begone for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, would I watch the baby, of course. 4 1/2 hours later she came back to get him. So I got to clean and area, enjoy my grandson and make a point the nice way to Jaimie and get rid of all my junk. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!
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