Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

These are a few items I got at the thrift store. The snowman canister I filled with White star streamers that I also got at the thrift store and the star card holder will go to my future daughter in law on her birthday.( I always have a bunch of gifts I picked up through the year then I wrap everything and fill a box and wrap the box for her birthday)She is really a good person. She collects stars. The 3 books will go to gramma and when she finishes reading them they will go to the little girl next door. I have had a great day thanks to me friend Nancy for making it extra special. Keep reading you'll know what I mean. I will use the dish and the picture frame will go to my friend Darlene. I hope all who is reading this will have a great day like I did!!

I have the best friends ever. Lucky me. I went to the thrift store today and picked up a few items. Not a one is in the picture on the right. I stopped at my girlfriend Nancy's house.( I love going there it smells like cinnamon and freshness all rolled up in one)Plus she's just a real nice person. Knowen by most of you as Nancy Jo. When I got there she asked me if I wanted a bag of boxes, No one would ever say no because she always has the coolest things. There are 7 wooden boxes that can be used and displayed (I think they are going next to my bed to hold my many things that are laying there) Then there is a canister, gravy dish, bowls,sugar and cream holder and what I thought was soap dishes are really nice ash trays. Those things she had in a box and told me to take the box but I couldn't look in it until I got home. I wanted to go right home but I had 3 places I needed to go to first. My last stop was Wegmans. It is pouring rain out but I planned on running in and out. $45.00 later I got out. The cool thing was they had men who would walk in and out with you while holding a umbrella over your head. They even put my groceries in the truck for me so I could stay dry and when I went to give him a tip. He said thank you but it's my job and I can't accept any tip.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Every night I have a dish of pudding, I say it's because I have no calicum glands I need milk in any way, shape or form. Then I had to see the dr. They always put you on these stupid things called a scale and I gained 9#s. in a year. Ouch, so today little G and I made sugar free jello and we cut a banana and put that in it. No chocolate face for G but he does have a red hand from reaching into the bowl with a measuring spoon and getting the little bit I left behind.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh what a wonderful busy day I had. Went to gramma's and gave her a bath, changed the sheets, did her laundry and made up her meals for two days. My grandson is sick with a sore throat and earaches. He saw the md. this morning and is on medication so he will be fine but his mom choose to stay home with him today so I also had the better part of the day to myself. I went thrift store shopping and got 10 cute containers for laundry soap. I washed them up, filled them up, and wrapped them up for Christmas gifts next year. (please let me know if the homemade laundry will last that long) These 2 small containers will be used as little thank-you gifts (they will also have laundry soap in them). I dropped off a list of medicine my husband needs to his dr.s, picked up groceries and got it all wrapped for the freezer or just put away. picked up my pictures at wal-mart and actually put them in a beautiful book for my girlfriend. ( her getting ready to get married photos)I shortened curtains that I picked up a while ago at the thrift store. they are hem ed and ready to go to my Attica home. Made supper and now I'm finishing my own laundry,and I am so thankful that I got to visit also with two friends, and got so much done. It has been a really nice day.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dryer lint is a great fire starter. I take it and shove it in the leftover papertowel and toilet roll holders and cardboard egg cartons that don't get back to the farms. The long rolls I place a used papertowel in the ends. With the egg cartons I melt broken candles or just to short to use candles I drip the candle wax over the lint, when I use them to burn leaves or just have a small backyard fire I cut the eggs one into 12 pieces. They start a fire really nice and my grandson likes to stuff the lint into the holders.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today is cold and very windy and at 8 this morning my 78 yr. old neighbor called to see if my husband could come over to check their roof. I told them he was at work, I quickly got dressed and went over to find him up on a ladder with his little wife holding the ladder. He was lucky it was only the flashing and he did manage to nail it down. Then we noticed one single was loose but I told him to wait until the storm settled down. He agreed and ended up calling a roofer who said when the storm was over he would be back to fix it. Thank God for people who do things like that.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


That got me to thinking,which at times is a good thing. I wonder what other people keep their baking items in?
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Next flour your work area and pour batter on it. Fold flour into it (I didn't measure it) I just folded it in a few times then it said to let it rest for another hour or two. So I went and had hot cocoa with my neighbor. Then I did not follow the rest of the directions. I folded the dough a few times and placed it in 4 small bread pans then I let it sit while, until it rised again (about 1/2 hour) and cooked it at 350 for quite a while. 45 to 55 minutes.

My friend asked me for my receipt for bread. My son Jason likes my homemade bread but it never really turned out it was as thick as potatoes. Yesterday I ran across a receipt for white bread that sounded way to easy so I gave it a try. It was cheap, very very easy and good tasting. All you do is put 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/4 teaspoon instant yeast, 1+1/2 teaspoon salt and 1+1/2 cups of water. Just mix in a bowl cover with plastic wrap and let it rest at room. For 12 to 18 hours.
Monday, February 2, 2009

The almighty shoveler. My husband shovels snow before he goes to work and as soon as he comes home from work. We have the cleanest driveway. He also does our neighbors because this year she has to battle cancer. My husband keeps our driveway so clean every year we have the biggest snow piles that just won't melt. But thats his winter excerise and he loves it! Plus I don't have to do it. Jim is 6'3"s and thats a lot of snow.
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